Welcome to “Buks Kart” Online Book Store, seller page!


Buks Kart ‘Online Book Store’ is the best and most popular book seller platform, where you can sell or buy your favorite book at one place with very reliable price.

Welcome to the Buks Kart‘s vendor/merchant/seller page. Here you can sell your Books, Magazine, Articles with very reliable price than other’s seller/vendor platform. Buks Kart give you a chance to sell your product all India level with confidence and loyalty with your respected reader/clients.

Buks Kart offer you very low commission 10% charge than other seller platform. We are leading and reputed book seller in India. We sell you product very contently and responsibility. We produce a very clear policy for our respected sellers. Here we offer to you, choose your own product return policy (you can create your product sell and return policy for buyers). We give you freedom for set your sale price for your customers.

Here you can ad your product very easy and sell with different integration all over social media platform. You can invite and share your product with your friend, family and colleagues too. You can see your dashboard for your selling and earning report on one click. When you complete your task you can send us withdrawal request for payment. We make your payment within 7 business day in your respected bank account. You can chat with your customer and take feedback for your product.

Upload and live your product quickly without any long time awaiting period. Just create your seller account with Buks Kart and start sell your product easily and quickly. The professional dashboard show everything on one click, setup your account and upload your products details and sell your product.

Don’t wait for more Just register and start sell your books now!