
How to Re-Attire Your Retirement and Embrace Life 2.0 Paperback (2023)

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Book Detail

Author Dr. Dilip Ganguly
Pages 194
Book Format Paperback
ISBN 13 979-8887499031
Dimensions 15.24 x 1.24 x 22.86 cm
Item weight 270 gm
Language English
Publishing Year May 2023
Book Genre Social Planning
Publisher Notion Press
Seller Buks Kart “Online Book Store”


The notion of retirement is gone. This was a 20th-century innovation. It didn’t exist in the 19th century, and it’s not going to exist in the 21st century. The notion that you’re born, go to school, get a job, retire, and die is gone.
You’re not going to do that anymore.

– Ric Edelman (Founder and Executive Chairman, Edelman)
Today, the post-retirement life or Life Two nearly equals pre-retirement or full-time working life, Life One.
This practice book titled How to Re-attire Your Retirement and Embrace Life 2.0 is split into parts, with self-experiences of training, my stories, out-of-the-box stories, planned activities, and suggested tasks for readers and legal authorities, offers a simple strategy, “Perform planned activities as a career in Life Two or lead a wasteful retired life by withdrawing from all activities (retiring). It is backed by facts, figures, doctors’ revelations, and examples of celebrities, industrialists, and common persons, who are leading a happy Life Two by retiring
the term “retirement” from their life. The Japanese lessons of Ikigai for living long have also been included.
Let us all practice and perform tasks to lead a happy Life 2.0.

About Author

Dr. Dilip Ganguly, Doctorate in Chemistry, after gaining experience in the industrial and academic set-up, believes in practicing and training people to plan their second innings life happily as a career, instead of just a traditional retired life. He is on the mission to empower people to retire the non-sensical term “retirement” and its suffixes from their life. He introduces SWOT analysis, emphasizes the role of having counsellors in planning, and encourages practicing and implementing planned activities through this book. He says, and inspires others to say, “I am leading a happy second inning career and not a conventional wasteful retired life.”
You can know more about him at

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