
Inspiring Change: Education for Sustainable Development (English Paperback Sept. 2024)

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Book Details

Author Kunal Shivaji Katkade
Pages 144
Book Format Paperback
ISBN 13 978-81-19545-38-4
Dimensions 21 x 29.7 cm
Item weight 180 Gm.
Language English
Publishing Year September, 2024
Book Genre Education Science
Publisher Bright MP Publisher
Seller Buks Kart “Online Book Store”


The creation of “Inspiring Change: Education For Sustainable Development” has been a collaborative effort that reflects the dedication and passion of many individuals and organizations. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the development of this book.

First and foremost, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the educators, researchers, and practitioners who have dedicated their lives to the field of sustainable development education. Your tireless efforts to inspire and empower learners around the world are at the heart of this book’s mission.

We are immensely grateful to the United Nations and its various agencies, particularly UNESCO, for their invaluable work in advancing education for sustainable development. Their commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has provided a framework and inspiration for our work.

To the numerous experts and scholars who generously shared their insights and expertise, we extend our deepest appreciation. Your contributions have enriched the content of this book and elevated the discourse on sustainable development education.

Our gratitude also goes to the countless individuals and organizations working on the frontlines of sustainability, advocating for positive change, and implementing innovative educational initiatives. Your dedication serves as a constant source of inspiration.

We acknowledge the support of our families, friends, and colleagues, who provided encouragement, understanding, and patience throughout the process of writing and compiling this book. Your unwavering belief in the importance of sustainable development education is deeply appreciated.

Finally, to the readers and learners who hold the potential to transform awareness into action, your engagement with the material in this book is what truly matters. We hope this book serves as a source of inspiration, knowledge, and motivation as you embark on your own journey toward a more sustainable and just world. Together, we can create a brighter future for all through education.

-Kunal Shivaji Katkade

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